Important Note: We recommend that you download your program to a computer instead of mobile device as most mobile
devices do not have enough memory to download the entire program.
Apple does not directly allow you to download audio and video files to your mobile devices. Tapping on any audio and video files
in the Safari mobile browser will only stream them from your internet or wifi connections and not actually download them.
To download to your computer, follow these steps:
- Go to the program access link on your computer.
- Go to the “Downloads” tab.
- You’ll have the choice of a high quality video file or mobile quality video file and under the audio formats you will have the
option for an iTunes (.M4B) file or an MP3 file. You’ll choose the high quality video unless
you have a slower connection. In that case select Lower Quality Video. If you wanted audio instead of video, chose the option for iTunes.
- To download a file right-click on the file link and click the option to “Save link as”. **If you have
a MAC Computer or Laptop you’ll need to press and hold the mouse button to bring up the save menu or press
and hold the control key and click to bring up the right click menu options.
- Save the file to the location of your choice but we recommend saving it to the desktop.
- Follow these steps for each section of the program.
- Once all sections are downloaded, open iTunes to add the newly saved files to your library. Choose File > Add to
Library (on Microsoft Windows, choose Add File to Library or Add Folder to Library) then select the audio or video files or folder you want to
add. The files should be saved on your desktop. You can also open iTunes and drag the file from the desktop and drop it into the iTunes library.
- Plug your Apple device into your computer to sync it with your iTunes application.
- Sync your device by clicking the appropriate selection (iPad, iPhone, etc.) under the “Devices” section and hit
the “Sync” button. Once the sync is done you can disconnect your device.
- To watch or listen to your video program, open up iTunes on your mobile device and find it in your Library.